Dear younger Tom,
How are you? I mean really how are you? I wonder what exciting adventures you’ve been on since we last spoke via the medium of these letters? Have I inspired you to take long awaited action - I sincerely hope so as that is my goal with my words - for you to take action towards achieving your goals and in doing so, build your confidence in your own abilities to achieve great things. .
In my last letter we discussed setting your goals from your values , have you had a chance to reflect on that? What thoughts popped into your mind and what action have you been inspired to take as a result of reading my letter?
I would like to suggest that the next step in your journey should involve focusing on growth.
Here is where you would start…
Growth & the Imposter Voice
You know that with growth comes a sense of fear and a lack of clarity about how to execute things. That’s okay and perfectly normal. It is to be encouraged, let that imposter rise up and talk to you, because it will tell you everything you need to know, in order to silence it.
Jot down on a piece of paper the words that come from the imposter. Is there a link between the words on the page and the goals you want to achieve? What are you fearing the most - that’s where you start.
I want you to question everything that the imposter says to you. This can be done with compassion, as the imposter truly believes it is doing you a service by protecting you from harm. Acknowledge this but commit to not being swayed by it’s dulcet tones. Simply thank it for it’s opinions and commit to making your own decisions.
Your next task is to consider the opposites of what the imposter has declared to you. In a table write down each opposing thought and just let the thoughts around them percolate. You could if you so wanted to, create a 3rd column and consider a hybrid thought. You will find this is where your best thinking occurs.
From here you need to decide on how to simplify your next step. Narrow it down to one action, weighing up the benefits and the ease of execution. there is no point choosing an unnecessarily hard path if an easier one will suffice.
Choose the action and just do it, the time for reflection will come later, but you can’t reflect on something until it’s tangible and done.
I’m curious to know where your thoughts lie after reading this letter? What seeds have I planted in your imaginary garden and what action do you need to take to let those seeds grow and bear fruit? You can reply to me in the comments below if you so wish or you can send me a DM, either one is fine.
I want you to know how proud of yourself you should be for taking the steps you’ve taken so far.
Keep persevering!
I am here for you whenever you need me.
Always yours,
Older Tom